The working village,
between life and work

Then he need the man power. In those years the area of Crespi d’Adda was used as pasture and wood. Cristoforo Benigno Crespi wanted to give a new opportunity to this land, creating new possibility to work. He gave a job to people who already knew this activity, and a training to people who wanted to learn it.

During the years the workers’ houses, surrounded by services and today simbol of the village, were built. A almost autarkic town, where the worker could find everything he needed, without going out. House, school, bakery, hospital, church, cemetery are at disposal of workers.
Today walking among the streets of the village of Crespi d’Adda is as to make a journey in the past. With a little bit of fantasy we can imagine how the life was one century and an half ago. Everything rana t a lower speed, a speed as fluida s Adda River, with tha changing between free time and work. -the children went to school, the teen agers and the adults went to school; when women weren’t working in the factory, washed the dresses in the two lavatories, they bought bread, and they took care of their house.
Completely open to curiosity, the workers village Crespi d’Adda offers unique emotions. Alone or with a guided tour, he will amaze people who will be asronished by its history and by the magic atmosphere of this place.